
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I have been in Craiova, Romania for a month now. It has been wonderful to experience a new culture, explore Eastern Europe, live with my team, and drink way too much coffee. On the flip side, it has been hard being away from home during this holiday season. I have definitely been missing my family and friends! It is very grey here, both figuratively and literally. The buildings are mostly grey, and at their best beige. The skies are mostly grey, and at their best, a faint blue. The historical, legalistic Orthodox Church has a heavy strong hold on the city of Craiova. Though, many of the youth have a misconceived perception on church and who Jesus is. Many people are very hardened to the idea of church because they think of it as their grandparent’s boring, anti-tattoo rulebook, which makes evangelism and outreach a tricky thing.

Our ministry days are Tuesday through Saturday. Our day looks like worship, prayer, and office tasks from 9-12, lunch from 12-2, and evangelism from 2-6. For this past month, I have been involved in youth ministry, trying to reach ages 12-18. Specifically, I felt called to this age group because I went through a challenging season of my life at this age, and feel like I can relate a lot. My desire is that youth know how loved they truly are and can find their hope in Jesus Christ. I know first hand how isolating anxiety and depression can be, especially in those essential adolescent years. Jesus’ hope, love, and grace helped me get through it. Therefore, I want to show this gift to others!

It has definitely been discouraging doing evangelism everyday. First, it is hard and awkward walking up to strangers to talk to them. I have gotten some weird looks! Second, it is challenging not always seeing the fruit of what I am doing. I have been wrestling with feelings and thoughts telling myself I’m not good enough at this, and that I am not making any difference. Though, that also is not true. Someone was saying that generally it takes ~30 seeds to be planted before someone comes to Christ. I could be seed 2, or seed 30, but either way I am planting a seed and helping show them Jesus! On Saturdays, my favorite day of ministry, I would help teach English classes and lead the youth group. It was fun tangibly helping and see the eager expressions on people’s faces to learn English! I love being able to serve and help people. Saturdays are a blessing.

Sometimes, ministry gets switched up, and our teams visit Roma(Gypsy) communities. The Roma people are very ostracized from the Romanians. There is a lot of racism and dislike between the two people groups. Going to Roma communities is hard because you see lots of poverty and need. We brought food to one Roma community, and I was holding a carton of apples. I’m not exaggerating when I got swarmed with people shoving apples into their shirts. I even got hit in the head (accidentally, I think). It made me sad to see people in such desperation that they push others, including children, out of the way to grab a few bruised apples. During this time, we also sang a few songs for the children. The joy on their faces was indescribable. They were so eager to sing and clap, I teared up. I am so blessed to have grown up fully fed and clothed and even bathed. It is such an honor to be able to serve people less fortunate, even though I cannot solve the problem. 

Life here in Craiova is definitely much different than the touristy bliss my Instagram and Facebook displays. It is hard and stretching. Though, I am learning to rely on the Lord more and more everyday. Philippians 2:17 says, “But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering… I am glad and rejoice.” Even when things get hard and I am tired, I will be glad and rejoice! Please pray for my team that we will hold firmly to the hope and truth that the Lord has. Pray that when we are tired, sad, or homesick, that we will let him fill us and that we can rest in his peace.

Lots of love! Miss you all!
